The Company has also adopted policies meant to supplement the provisions found in the Manual on Corporate Governance and the Code of Business Conduct. Said policies are in line with the Company’s corporate governance program.
The Conflict of Interest policy defines a conflict as a situation wherein a director, officer or employee has or appears to have a direct or indirect personal interest in any transaction, which may deter or influence him from acting in the best interests of the Company. Any director, officer or employee involved in an actual or potential conflict of interest is required to immediately disclose said conflict to the Company.
The Corporate Governance Manual defines the Company’s compliance system and identifies the responsibilities of the Board of Directors in relation to good corporate governance. It also states the Company’s policies on disclosures and transparency and mandates the conduct of communication and training programs on corporate governance. The Manual further provides for the rights of all shareholders and the protection of the interest of minority stockholders.
The Code of Business Conduct states the principle that guides 2Go Group directors, officers and employees in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, and in their transactions with investors, suppliers, customers, contractors, creditors, regulators and the general public. The Code underlines the importance of integrity in the relationships and dealings with business partners and highlights the Company’s duties regarding employee welfare, the protection against conflict of interest that may interfere with the independent exercise of one’s best judgement, the protection of material company information and the importance of corporate social responsibility.
Guidelines on Acceptance of Gifts and Entertainment – Based on the provisions of the Code of Ethics, 2Go Group Inc.’s directors, officers and employees are prohibited from soliciting or accepting gifts, hospitality, and/or entertainment in any form from any business partner. The term gift covers anything of value, such as but not limited to cash or cash equivalent. The guidelines provide exceptions such as corporate giveaways, tokens or promotional items of nominal value. In the same manner, travel sponsored by any current or prospective business partner is prohibited.
In line with its mission and vision, 2GO strives to be an employer of choice and provides for the health, safety and welfare of its employees. The Company has established policies and programs that promote a safe and healthy work environment that caters to all cultures and creeds and encourages employee development and growth.
2GO remains committed to providing its directors, officers and employees opportunities for growth and development through its various training and orientation activities.
Directors, officers and employees are prohibited from trading in the Company’s shares, five (5) trading days before and two (2) trading days after the disclosure of any material, stock price-sensitive information. 2GO issues reminders of the “trading ban”, before the release of financial reports or the disclosure of other material information to ensure compliance with the policy. Trading done by directors and officers are reported within three (3) days of the transaction.
To establish ways and means to detect and prevent the commission of money laundering activities prohibited under the law. This is also to institutionalize a reporting system through which money laundering activities, if any, will be reported to the law enforcement agencies concerned.
2GO discloses the nature, extent and information on transactions with related parties in the Company’s financial statements and quarterly and annual reports. The Related Party Transactions Committee is tasked to review all related party transactions and ensure that these are conducted fairly and on an arm’s length basis at all times.
Ensures that the Company maintains an alternative dispute resolution system to settle conflicts between the Company and its stockholders or other third parties, including regulatory authorities.
2GO’s whistleblowing policy, referred to as the Policy on Accountability, Integrity and Vigilance (PAIV), was adopted to create an environment where concerns and issues, made in good faith, may be raised freely within the organization. Under the policy, any 2GO director, officer or employee may accomplish an incident report on suspected or actual violations of the Code of Business Conduct, or any other applicable law or regulation. Upon receipt of an incident report, Management investigates on its merit, subject to due process and applicable penalties and sanctions thereafter.
All contractors/vendors and suppliers whether existing or potential ones, are required to conform to the Company’s Code of Business Conduct/Ethics as a pre-requisite for the accreditation process. Material purchases of goods and services must follow the proper bidding processes.
The Company adheres to a process of selection to ensure an appropriate mix of competent directors and officers. The Company values, promotes and observes a policy on diversity in the composition of its Board of Directors. Provided that all other qualifications are met, the Company commits to have a diverse collection of directors, in terms of age, ethnicity, culture, skill, competence, knowledge, gender, among other qualifications.